
Character Descriptions
Stay Tuned For Upcoming Auditions
Frequently Asked Questions
We are seeking strong ADULT (18+) male and female singers who move very well to be in the ensemble and cover or potentially replace lead roles.
THE LION KING – Strong ADULT (18+) male and female dancers with a modern/ballet dance background—late teens to early 30’s. Some male dancers require strong acrobatic skills.
ALADDIN – ADULT (18+) male and female dancers with strong jazz, tap, and ballet training to comprise the ensemble and also play featured roles– athletic builds, ages 20’s to 30’s. Some male dancers require strong acrobatic skills.
Bring your picture and resume, stapled together.
Singers should dress confidently!
Dancers should wear form-conscious clothing, appropriate for dancing.
THE LION KING – Flat jazz shoes or bare feet.
ALADDIN – Jazz & tap shoes. Women should also bring character heels.
Please see audition details under the appropriate tab above for show-specific instructions.
*PLEASE do not sing material from either THE LION KING or ALADDIN.*
Yes you can. Singers will automatically be considered for all shows. Separate dance auditions will be held for THE LION KING and ALADDIN.
It depends on how many people attend. We will do our best to make sure the process is speedy and enjoyable and will have plenty of staff on hand to answer your scheduling questions that day.
Due to the high number of actors in each city, we unfortunately are unable to contact and follow up with each person. Casting will reach out to schedule a call back if you are a potential fit for any production!
If you are interested in being considered for THE LION KING, please send an email to LionKingCasting@disneyonbroadway.com containing the following…
- Video link of yourself singing your best 16 bars (approximately 30 seconds – with sheet music) of an R&B, pop or rock-and-roll song that best showcases your vocal range.
- Please do not sing material from THE LION KING or standard Broadway theater music.
- Please DO NOT include a video file as an attachment. Include a link from either YouTube or Vimeo.
- Your current headshot and resume as PDF attachments.
- The best phone number and email address to contact you.
If you are interested in being considered for ALADDIN, please send an email to AladdinCasting@disneyonbroadway.com containing the following…
- Video link of yourself singing your best 16 bars (approximately 30 seconds – with sheet music) of an uptempo musical theatre song.
- Please do not sing material from ALADDIN.
- Please DO NOT include a video file as an attachment. Include a link from either YouTube or Vimeo.
- Your current headshot and resume as PDF attachments.
- The best phone number and email address to contact you.
Send us an email at CastingInfo@disneyonbroadway.com.
Childrens Audition Questions
Due to the nature of the roles, we have strict age/height limits. Please adhere to the guidelines. Please see the audition details under the appropriate tab above for show-specific age/height limits.
If you would like to check your child’s height before attending, have them remove their shoes, stand with their back and heels flat against the wall, and use a tape measure.
Please see the “Children” tab above for the audition city and show for which you intend to audition for additional instructions. ALSO – be yourself and have a great time!
Yes. All children (under 18) must be supervised by a parent or guardian at all times while attending any of our auditions.